Friday, September 7, 2007

Things I learned on day 2

1. I can't open my contact solution with my mouth.
2. I can't bite my lips, which is a good thing.
3. When I'm making a ponytail I can't hold the band on my wrist because then I can't take it out with my mouth
4. Biting is in the past (for now).
5. The inside of my mouth will be scarred and I'll have to deal with it.
6. I can use my dry mouth as an excuse to not talk to people that I don't wanna talk to.
7. I can chung a bottle of water in under 2 minutes because of how much I wanna get full.

That's a lot to learn in one day. Every now and then I feel pressure on my upper molars but the most is in my freak tooth. I still grunt and moan and get teary eyed taking them off and when I put them back on. Eating oreos for lunch was a mistake. They got everywhere and it was double the flossing and that meant double the pain. PLUS, I had to shove each ½ in my mouth, let it get a little soft, then chew. That's no way to eat an oreo or any other fun snack.

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