Friday, December 28, 2007

Last night I put set #9 on. CRAZY!!! I'm officially half way there on the top and bottom set. I don't feel any pain on the bottom ones but on the top I feel it pulling on one side. I always forget that I can't really bite down when i put a new set in. Overall I dont feel alot of pain. I'm really happy with the results though. This is the first time I notice that my freak tooth isnt sticking out as much since I started. I als like that my bottom teeth are finally worthy of being shown so I have to start smiling more and letting myself laugh without covering my mouth...yay!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

drank too much and I said too much...

I am so impressed with my use of smiths/morrissey lyrics for my blog titles...anyway:

Yesterday I had an invisalign violation. I ate with my braces on. i was eating pizza, chicken, steak, shrimp, quesadillas....the works. After our office xmas party we crashed a really good one with tons of food and when I checked my coat my bag went with it so i had to keep the braces in. I will never do it again though. It felt really grimy and when I got home they looked disgusting and i had to scrub the crap out of them. Lesson learned.

oh and I;m kind of annoyed that i haven't been keeping an accurate photo log of my dental progress so once i get my camera in a few days I'm going to take pictures every week until June.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

My throat was dry, with the sun in my eyes

So yesterday I put my new set in and the top ones hurt like hell. The blinding pain lasted about 3 hours and I was just so tired all day afterwards. I really feel it pulling on my freak tooth(the one that started it all) and I'm worried that my teeth aren't going to be perfect like i expect them to be. I really see the one on the bottom that was hidden before so that's a big plus. I already feel them the way i normally do so it's not too bad. I feel unsafe without them on my teeth so it's going to be a weird transition when this is all over. I'm still losing weight because of my invisa-diet so that's good. I am slimmer now and i can tell on my arms, my face and my hips so thats awesome!!! And the fact that people are actually noticing is even better.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I'm almost there

i can't believe i did 3 months already. its so weird. On Tuesday it became 3 months since I first put on my aligners. This set is really tight on the top. Ouch. I of course started drinking with my braces on all night as well because i figured 5 hours with beer braces is better than 5 hours without them.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I've been a bad bad girl

So I went out thursday, friday and am going out again tonight. And I've been drinking tons of beer with them on.

bad bad bad

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

well I wonder?

So I put my 5th set in last night and forgot to write about it. I can see my bottom tooth now and it's just crazy. It's actually more visible and not hiding in the background anymore. When I go up to the mirror and move my head so I can see the way my teeth are all aligned its so pretty. its almost perfectly round. The bottoms ones of these are tight but not bad. YAY!!!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Found found found

I found something that is making my lips feel better so I'm not angry about this anymore. I was in an angry mood today and it was because my lips were raw. I managed to peel off the entire top layer of my lips savagely and now they're starting to heal. slowly. I bought this exfoliating lip thing and balm from benefit and it works awesome.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I Started Something I Couldn't Finish

Right now I'm at the anger stage. I'm sooo over this. I have nothing good to say about this process right now except that it sucks that I can't eat whenever i want, it sucks that I can't eat whenever I want and oh sucks that I can't eat whenever I fucking want.

My mouth hurts today even with them off. My lips are insanely dry and I'm annoyed. And I wanna eat crunchy things and uuuuuuuuuugh!!!! I could go on for an hour about this.

Monday, October 15, 2007

High & Dry

My lips are beyond chapped. They are always peeling and when they get too dry they look really white and gross. I'm a totally chapped mess. This dry mouth is beyond any kind of dry mouth that I've ever experienced and it sucks. I look like I split my bottom lip because of how much skin has peeled off. Not cute. Tonight set #4 goes it. Very exciting.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Barbarism begins at the dentist

So last night I had 5 spaces filed. 5. I was expecting one. It was surprising and shocking but I'm over it. There was blood all over my dentists coat and he must've used 6 filing strips. But then he put my 3rd set on and gave me sets 4 and 5. They're so pretty and straighter, I love em. I also love painkillers because I'm sure that it's the only reason why I'm not bitching. These are super tight but not painful. phew

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Straight to Hell

Tech support!!!!!! Damn, this is real life. No waking up from the future invisa-hell that I might have to face in a few weeks. I got an e-mail yesterday that scared me. Here it is:

"At the dentist today. He filed a few teeth with both the electric and manual files. The new set on top may be the tightest ever. I actually have pain running through my face right now. I better be a smiling s.o.b. when this is over."

That has me scared. If a grown man is dying over the pain...I'm dead meat. And the thing is there's no way to find out when it's gonna happen. That's the scary part. I don't want pain running through my face. I'm fine with the tightness of my aligners so far and don't want them any tighter. ever. Ugh!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So I put on my 2nd set last night after some generic pm painkillers and it's not that bad now. This set is tight like the first ones were but it's as not rough to handle.

hmm, and apparently my doctor is a caveman. The other invisaligner had his filed with the machine. I feel like I'm going to a bootleg dentist. My overall mood always has a teeny bit of miserable-ness lingering whenever I bite down and feel my freak tooth get pulled. My mouth gets dry so fast now and my lips are a chapped mess.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pink aligners anyone?

The most inhumane thing happened yesterday. The dentist had to make some space between my teeth so he filed them. i thought it would be with a machine but it was with this metal file. I was shocked. I think the shock was overriding any pain. Except when he would touch my gums...yikes. He only had to do that in one place but before I get my 6th set of trays he has to make space between 6 teeth. double yikes.

I picked up my next 2 sets and I put the new ones in tonight. I'm copying the other invisaligner and am gonna pop a tylenol pm when I put them in. Oh and I was admiring the last ones and can't wait to get to them. My bottom teeth have never been straight. So excited.

But anyway. When i woke up my aligners had some pink in front. I know I still clench my jaw during the day but didn't realize I did it at night too. That's the only reason why I would've been bleeding from there. And when I brushed this morning it was still sore. Wow, 2 weeks down, 8.5 months to go!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Invisalign forces me to drink more

....thats the excuse I'm trying to give. But its really true. I mean, a beer takes about 10 minutes to drink leisurely. A vodka and soda that is 3 minutes. So it forced me to drink more because I wanted something in my hand. I drank sooo much Saturday and even ended up drinking 4 beers with my aligners good. But I learned something and that's good. Next time i go drinking I'm gonna have to have one glass of water in between every vodka and soda because it's cheaper and won't have me waking up with a total hangover.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"you're not scrubbing the floor"

So I'm a little fanatical when it comes to my treatment. I changed my mouthwash, toothpaste, and like, I'm just super anal about the rules but whatever, it's the rules! I have to. The other invisaligner at work is a rebel. He doesn't stick to the "22 hours on" rule. It is a little extreme though. I'm sure I spend about 21 hours with them on. Or....I'm gonna time myself tomorrow for kicks. If I have them off for more than 10 minutes after I eat I feel them. I don't know if it's mental or not but it reminds me that they have to be cleaned and caged.

Oh, and i hate that my dentist has never had invisalign because when i asked him all these questions his response was to experiment. And I'm like, well thanks, thanks alot! Luckily I have someone with weeks of experience that I asked questions to.

I think i stretched my bottom aligner on the right side so now I'm only taking it off from the left side. Next week I get my new ones in. woo hoo...8 days down, 8.75 months to go!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Smoothies make the world go round

I'm tired of smoothies. Of course, I'm having one for lunch but ugh...I'm over them but I have to stick to it because I couldn't even bite off my very soft glazed donut and I hate eating with my hands in public. GNC...I'll see you soon.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Surviving my first weekend rocks!

I'm doing really well with these. The pain is over and now it's just discomfort. I keep wanting to take the gum out that's stuck in my molars but it's not gum. The biggest issue is my extremely sore throat but I've had one of those before so it's not killer. After the play my friend was smoking a cigarette and since I was drinking, I wanted one. I took my braces off while walking up 6th ave and then afterwards I just rinses with mouthwash between 2 cars and put em back in (with sanitized hands). I'm not walking on sunshine yet but I've definitely gotten a little used to the process and the extreme pain with removal and insertion is gone.

Oh and I'm eating! I don't eat so it's good that this had made me eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack for the past 3 days even if some of those meals consist of just a smoothie. I'm just curious now what effect this will have on my drunkenness since I won't want to brush my teeth at beauty or hifi so I'm going to have to stick to vodka and sprite.

Friday, September 7, 2007

First Food

Mel came by and we went out for lunch. That was awesome. She got to see, or not see the aligners and was very impressed with how giddy and randomly happy I was because I had them. I ate chicken and had to cut it into tiny pieces to swallow and had an iced tea with like everything in it so it was cool. I survived my first outing in a public bathroom....scary.

tonight its happy hour so I'll be drinking clear stuff and will probably call it a night at like 6:30. ha. or not. i'll just double fist vodka and water. But i love beer sooooo much.

Things I learned on day 2

1. I can't open my contact solution with my mouth.
2. I can't bite my lips, which is a good thing.
3. When I'm making a ponytail I can't hold the band on my wrist because then I can't take it out with my mouth
4. Biting is in the past (for now).
5. The inside of my mouth will be scarred and I'll have to deal with it.
6. I can use my dry mouth as an excuse to not talk to people that I don't wanna talk to.
7. I can chung a bottle of water in under 2 minutes because of how much I wanna get full.

That's a lot to learn in one day. Every now and then I feel pressure on my upper molars but the most is in my freak tooth. I still grunt and moan and get teary eyed taking them off and when I put them back on. Eating oreos for lunch was a mistake. They got everywhere and it was double the flossing and that meant double the pain. PLUS, I had to shove each ½ in my mouth, let it get a little soft, then chew. That's no way to eat an oreo or any other fun snack.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

No more french toast

Not that I eat it alot but i was starving so at like 10:30 I went out for coffee and got french toast and a hash brown. I haven't wanted a hash brown in forever! Taking the aligners off was still painful but I did it in less time with less saliva all over my hands and arm. Biting things off is not happening. I didn't even attempt it so I broke them in pieces and just chewed slow. Then when I put them back on it was like "snap.....ouch!" and the eyes got watery. So that's 5 times that I've removed them and hopefully at like number 10 it'll be less painful.

Bad first night

I refunded my smoothie and painkillers last night. It sucked. But its funny how quick I was able to take off my aligners when I really needed too. So I need a proper eating schedule. For breakfast I am having a carnation instant breakfast drink. Chocolate flavored....yummy! And I'm having lunch no matter how long it takes me to take these things off.

And it's like I'm a saliva machine. When I take them off I need total privacy and a bib because of all the drool. It's one of the most unattractive things I've ever done in my life. My teeth feel so free right now without them on but as soon as I'm done with breakfast they're back on.

My dentist told me last night to experiment with cleaning methods so I'm gonna try to crest mouthwash because it has no alcohol so it won't be too bad for the aligners.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

They're in!

Me estoy muriendo. Esto duele mucho.

So they're in. Finally. And of course, I can't wait to get them out. I've had them in for about 10 hours and I'm dying. Die-ing. Me estoy muriendo. I am in so much pain. I took a Motrin 800 and it didn't do jack. It took me 3 tries to get them off to drink a smoothie and my coffee. I bought the coffee at 230ish and smelled it until like 5. I went 11 hours without eating or drinking coffee. I'll never do that again. I feel so sick now. But yea I cried when I kept trying to take them off for the first time.
It took me 3 tries. I almost went into someone’s office in tears with the tray in hand to BEG him to pry them off me no matter what but people were in there talking work or whatever so that saved me an embarrassing moment and I did it myself. But then people think that I'm picking at my mouth when they see me in the bathroom, which is whatever. I need privacy when I do that. Putting them back on wasn't that easy either just because of the pain. It's worth it though. I'm going to keep telling myself that. I don't know how ready I am to go bar hopping and drinking beer yet. I might need a few more weeks. Or like another day.

10 hours down, 9 more months to go!


So I'm on my way to start my invisalign. I felt like a bully yesterday talking to my dentist. I was my usually demanding self and so he said he'd take me as soon as I came in since it's only a 30 min thing anyway. I kept waking up because my arm is killing me. I ate at 630am and drank tons of cafe. I really need caffeine today. I couldn't get comfortable because of my back and arm so I woke up at 330 and 530 and finally just stayed up. I think my arm is broken or severly sprained. Note to self: don't fall down stairs again. Bruises are not cute.

Ahh, okay, can't wait to get em!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tomorrow is the day

I get my 1st set of aligners tomorrow. I'm so excited. I have to drink coffee before I leave the apt tomorrow because my teeth have to be spotless before he puts the tabs in and everything. Maybe I'll just drink coffee and then brush again when i get there because i don't see myself making coffee at home.

but anyway let's see how chipper I am an hour after I get those things in.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

still nothing

Nothing. I called and said "call me back if you have good news" call back. ugh. Today I was starving....STARVING! This shot is totally killer. I hope it wears off quick cause I've been too lazy to hit the gym so far this week.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

and the answer is yes

No word from dentist. I'm gonna call him tomorrow at 2. That way he'll still have time to check if they came in. I'm anxious. I'm antsy. I'm nervous. Ugh. I just got my shot today and I know the next few days are gonna be filled with me putting donuts in my mouth and regretting it. Oh and today is my birthday. It's so weird to have an "adult" birthday. it was just a normal tuesday and everyone who called was like "you're at work?"'s a tuesday, where else would i be at 1pm? Oh, I know, waiting for my invisalign!

...and we're back to that...

I drank 3 cups of coffee today, ate food for lunch penne a la vodka, mozerella cheese balls(3) and a tiny piece of salmon. Gotta love the buffet. It came out to 350 and I was kind of a teeny bit stuffed. Then mel took me out for waffles and iced good. But back to the call. Will he call manana? Lets hope. Lets hope I get to use them as a conversational piece at the beer garden on saturday. But do I really wanna chug pitchers of beer on and off because I don't wanna stain the aligners I'll have on for two week?

Monday, July 30, 2007

my freak tooth, my invisablog

So, a fellow invisaligner at work suggested i start a blog chronicaling (is this a word) our experience with our braces. I havent started mine yet, he started his last week. I was supposed to start em last week too but my dentist teased me....sadness.

Anyway, since I LOVE writing about myself my invisa-blog has begun. So here it is..

I started training today. Not training to have things snapped to my teeth but training myself to not need 7 cups of coffee a day. I started writing down what i ate and how long it took and made two mistakes.

1. Took 34 minutes to drink my 3rd cup of coffee
2. Ate candy. Coffee flavored candy. In the world of invisalign that would be a waste of a removal and brushing.

So I'm really excited to get them and begin complaining about them before I fall in love with those plastic things. Tomorrow is my bday so it'll be cool to get em in. Totally cool. and so far here's a list of clear things we can drink with these on:

1. vodka
2. coconut rum
3. sprite (diet cuz of the sugar)
4. lame ass water

I get my shot tomorrow too so it's gonna be a hellish week. I'll have an uber appetite for 2 weeks but not really want to go through the trouble of taking em off and brushing thenputting em back on...ugh.

So this entry will be posted as b.i. (before invisalign). oh and i worked out today. alot. i've become totally obsessed. yawn